About Me

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Hi My name is Liseth and one of the things I remember most when I was growing up was watching my grandmother sew fabric into the most beautiful creations. That's where my love for sewing came from. I love to travel and learn different cultures. As well hike and spend time with loved ones. My future goal: I hope to one day go to Thailand and Bora Bora.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Cents count!

As my fiance was spring cleaning he showed me a few bags that he had collected with spare change over last few years. I was completely shocked how heavy all the bags were, I took the liberty to separate all the coins and my dad packaged all the coins in coin wrappers. 3 days later all coins are wrapped and now the grand total close to $400 in pure coins! Next step going to the bank to deposit it, I'm sure that bank teller is going to love me. Just shows every coin counts.


  1. lol... Isabella... send your dad to me! WE have been collecting coins for the boys. Oldest grandson has a Texas Mickey(gallon whiskey jar) almost filled with dimes... no idea what is in there but not looking forward to counting it. My dad was a great change saver... most Christmas he could buy all grandchildren their gifts from it... ever cent does count!

  2. My bestie does this every year to pay for Christmas presents for her nephews... they often get rolls of quarters for the laundromat and car wash!

    Just avoid that coin star place! They steal too much of YOUR money!

  3. Nice to have a surprise like that!

  4. How awesome! It's amazing how coins can add up!

  5. Totally inspiring! Have to put my loose change that I always scatter around everywhere in ONE PLACE!

  6. we did this with our kids, it's really surprising how fast the coins add up.

  7. I throw my loose change in a jar, too, and when it gets full my son will roll it all up. It's amazing how it adds up!

  8. That's terrific. Are you spending any on fun stuff?

  9. Nice surprise on the amount.

  10. It's like winning the lottery :)

  11. I saved enough in change before to take a small trip. My hubby calls me the "Change Natzie" cause I still hoard change.. Good job on collecting that much.

  12. We have a coin jar that has provided many groceries and gas money in lean months! It's amazing how it all adds up!
