About Me

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Hi My name is Liseth and one of the things I remember most when I was growing up was watching my grandmother sew fabric into the most beautiful creations. That's where my love for sewing came from. I love to travel and learn different cultures. As well hike and spend time with loved ones. My future goal: I hope to one day go to Thailand and Bora Bora.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hike update!!!

Well Sunday was hiking day, 5 hour hike round trip.

 hiking through the lake various times to continue onto the trail

 walking on rocks, uphill, down hill and finally to the bridge that leads to nowhere to just sit relax and watch the bungee jumpers.  I have to say

this was the funnest hike I've been on. Though 2 days later and my legs are still sore LOL.


  1. cool! I love this kind of things but I am more remembering than doing now, so I really envy you!

  2. cool! I miss this kind of things so I'm writing about my memories rather than the present - I envy you!

  3. What a fun hike and it looks like you had a wonderful weather day to do it!

  4. Looks like SOOOO much fun! I'd love to be able to tell people that I went on "The Bridge to Nowhere!" How cool is that?!?
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Nature is grand! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Great photos!

  6. uniquecozytreasures- Thanks for sharing your hiking adventures.

  7. WOW, what an adventure. Looks like a blast!!

  8. Great photos and I am sure it was fun and tiring afterwards

  9. How fun! Was it really hot? My husband is wanting to go camping when it gets cooler. He's wanting to hike in with our tents on our backs.

  10. Great photos! It looks like you had a lot of fun :)

  11. it was fun, we went hiking early morning most of the hike in the morning we had shade on the way back we had lots of sun, but not too hot.

  12. Great photos and what an adventure! Looks like you had a great time and I'm sure it was well worth the sore muscles.

    My husband and I are hikers. We've found some caverns a couple hours away that we plan on hiking tomorrow.

    I'm your newest follower!

  13. sher-I would love to hear about your hike, hope you post about it ;o)
